Privacy Policy

As you may already know, Loudon Food Pantry takes your privacy seriously.

On our website, any personal, identifiable information is collected from individuals voluntarily and knowingly. Loudon Food Pantry collects data such as names, addresses, zip/postal codes, email addresses, billing information, etc. to facilitate donations made through our online donation forms. This information is used for internal purposes only. Loudon Food Pantry does not sell or distribute its donor information to anyone for any reason.

Loudon Food Pantry will only share personally identifiable information with third parties when the person submitting the information authorizes us to share it or we are required to by law.

Your Choices:

You may choose to request that you not be contacted via e-mail, mail, or any other correspondence provided by the Loudon Food Pantry. Please note that correspondence may include many different types of items, including event emails, quarterly newsletters, donation acknowledgment and receipts, and campaign fundraising material. You may choose which types of correspondence you would like to receive, or none at all.

You may choose to request that your information be kept anonymous in our databases and mailing lists. If you wish to remain anonymous as a donor, please indicate this when sending us your check, when filling out our online donation form, or when speaking with us on the phone.

It is our policy to send an letter once a year identifying your donations for the prior calendar year. You may opt out of this at any time.

If you have received a communication(s) and do not wish to receive any future communications, or if you wish to change your current choices for communication, please contact us at 603-724-9731 or drop in to see us at 30 Chichester Rd. Unit D, Loudon NH 03307.

Credit Card Information

Loudon Food Pantry accepts payment for donations through our website. We make every effort to protect the safety and security of your transaction. For security purposes, we do not retain complete credit card numbers from donations received online.

Contributions may also be made by calling 603-724-9731 and asking for Sue or Sarah.