Purchase Food

We purchase food at discounted prices which are below retail prices.  At the NH Food Bank a maintenance fee of .18 per pound is charged on most of their food.  This is considerably less than paying retail prices. But even the NH Food Bank does not always have the items we need.  So, we need funds to seek out food from other sources as well.

Operating Expenses

Like all businesses, we have operating expenses such as supplies, phone service, insurance that need to be paid.  Funds are also used for payroll expenses.  Susan devotes 40 – 50 hours per week to the operating of the pantry.  Their duties include (but not inclusive to) record keeping and generating reports to various agencies, bookkeeping, inventory, procuring food and items to hand out, locating and applying for grants, handing out food four days per week, receiving donations, overseeing volunteers in the logging and processing of received donations, etc. She is only paid for 40 hours.  Any time spent after that is considered volunteer time.  We currently rely solely on funds from individuals and local businesses to assist us in covering these expenses.


Receiving funds allow us to create fundraising opportunities.

Category: General

We service Belmont, Canterbury, Chichester, and Loudon NH.

Category: General

We welcome volunteers of all ages and capabilities.  Everyone 15 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Our slowest time is May – October.  We have very few hours for volunteers.  So if needing community service for school or other reasons, please keep this in mind.

While we can’t always say what volunteering will entail on a day-to-day basis, typical tasks usually include:

  • General housekeeping
  • Stocking shelves
  • Sort, log and label food products
  • Mark out the UPC codes on food products
  • Wash and dry magnets that are used to label our shelves
  • Other tasks that need to be done

Our volunteer days are Tuesday – Thursday from 10 am – 1 pm and/or  3 pm – 6 pm.

If interested in volunteering, email your request to Info@LoudonFoodPantry.org.  Please include your available dates and times.   Give me at least one week lead time for all requests.

Category: General

Call the pantry at (603) 724-9731 and listen to the message.  It will let you know if we’re closed and give you further instructions.

Pantry closings are also reported to WMUR.  You can check on their website at  wmur.com or on television or radio where you would find school closings.  On television, the business closings are usually scrolled at the bottom of the screen.  They are done periodically throughout the day.

We will also post closings on our website as well.

Category: General

You can come once per calendar week.  Food is given out by appointment only. See our “Need Help?: section for more information or call (603) 724-9731.

Category: General

On your first visit to the pantry to receive food, you will be asked to complete a one page Assistance Application.    On this application you will be asked for the first name, last name and birthdate of everyone in your household that will be receiving services.

Because you have been pre qualified, you will present the paperwork that you were asked to bring at this time. We do not take any copies of this paperwork.  It is used for verification purposes only.

Your information is put into our database and a weekly form is printed out.  This is the form you will sign each week. Now you will make your next appointment and you will be given an appointment reminder card.

Now you shop!  We now have self-shopping available.  You will be given a card for your household size.  This card will help you shop the shelves to get the food you need.  Your first time around we can assist you in learning the system.  It’s no hard and kinda fun!

Assisted shopping is always available for those who prefer it.

Once you’re done shopping, the food is bagged, and you’re on your way!

Category: General

Yes.  We give out fresh or frozen meat every week if we have it available.

Category: General


No, we do not accept clothing donations anymore.

This hold on our Clothing Program will remain in effect until we are able to obtain a larger space within Loudon.

Category: General


Due to space concerns, we no longer accept household donation.

Due to the necessity of the following items, we will accept them:

  • Oral hygiene products
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Toilet paper / paper towels
  • Cleaning products

This hold on our Clothing Program will remain in effect until we are able to obtain a larger space within Loudon.

Category: General


Due to financial, time and space restraints our garden program has been put on hold.

We are hoping that we receive an abundance or produce like we did last year to help compensate for not having the garden this year.  Our patrons love fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Category: General