Got Drugs?

Do you have outdated or unneeded medications?  Did you know that throwing it down the toilet or in the sink causes pollution?  Also, easy access to a variety of unused medications in the home leads to increased availability and sometime misuse.

So, how do you dispose of these medications?

You can visit your local police department to anonymously discard  unused or unwanted medications.  Not all police departments have drop off boxes.  There are 42 recognized drop boxes throughout New Hampshire.   Click Rx_Drop_Box_Listing for that list.  If the police department you want to go to is not on the list, please call before visiting.

Or safely dispose of the medications yourself.  Don’t know how?  Check this out!  It will tell you how to dispose of unwanted medication safely.

Just say no to outdated, unneeded and unwanted prescription medications


dispose of them safely!