Halloween Party Date: Friday, October 20, 2023
Volunteering can count towards community service hours
If you want to volunteer to help set up, a time will be determined at a later date. The party starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 8:00 PM. Clean-up usually takes about an hour.
- Volunteer Signup Forms are now being accepted.
- You must be 15 years of age or older to volunteer.
- No unauthorized volunteers will be allowed into the party.
- Only this completed form will be considered for any volunteer opportunity.
- You will be considered an authorized volunteer only after you receive a welcome email from leshp@loudonfoodpantry.org. All emails will be sent out within 48 hours of receiving your form.
Click here to get a Volunteer Signup Form to mail, email to leshp@loudonfoodpantry.org or drop off to the pantry.